quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2013

How long is a dogs pregnancy?

How long is a dogs pregnancy ?





If this is her first pregnancy then it will be a little diferent.
It also deppends on what kind of dog you have.
I am a breeder and I am also studying to become a Vet so I know a thing or two.

The average time for any dog is going to be between 59-63 days, you will be able to tell when she gets close to having them because she will get meloncoly, protective, and her **** start filling up and getting bigger then she is ready to have those puupies.

Since this is your first time I suggest that you have a Vet onsite when she does start to give birth, that way they can help you understand what to do next time.
Puppies can come out front ways or back ways so it is very important that you understand what to do when the puppy is back feet first, and to be careful not to hurt the mother dog by pulling too hard or not pulling enough, and you must be very careful that you make sure that she has had all of her puppies, if the placinta has came out then that means there are no more puppies, if it does not come out and she has not had another puppy in more then 30 minutes then something is wrong.

That is why I said have a Vet onsite while she is giving birth so they can help you out.

Breeding dogs is a whole lot of fun and a wonderful time to get to know your dog.
Good luck, and I hope everything works out for you.  


Breeder and Vet Student


sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2013

How to tknow if your dog is pregnant?

How to tknow if your dog is pregnant?

To know if your dog is pregnant you can use palpation, which is the simplest technique to go groping the belly of your pet to see if she really is pregnant. In cases where it is not possible to verify this way, we use the ultra sonography, where the vet will know for sure whether or not she is actually pregnant. It is important to remember that you can not verify if indeed she is pregnant after she crossed because pregnancy canine is only noticeable in the last 20 or 30 days of gestation.

Symptoms that indicate pregnancy of your dog?

In addition to the forms already mentioned previously (palpation and ultrasound sonography), you can see not only the physical changes but also behavioral issues.

The pregnant dog usually start to eat less, refusing food and not eating the food in the same proportion that she use to. Another very common symptom is body temperature will lower, along with their breast become more swollen. A behavioral aspect clearly visible at the moment is approaching childbirth its that your dog start to make " nest", looking for the most suitable location and comfortable to have her puppies, getting very anxious at the moment.

quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2013

Length of dog pregnancy

Length of dog pregnancy

How long is a dogs pregnancy?

The duration of pregnancy is, on average, between 57 to 63 days.

This is the time that the owner of the dog will have to prepare properly the place where the 'expectant mother' will procreate. 

The place should be lined with sheets of newspaper and covered with an warm and washable blanket (the dog releases some blood), the environment should be warm, especially for small dogs, temperature should be about 27 ° C and during the first weeks not letting download of 21 ° C. 


How long is a dog pregnancy?


Ps: i am just starting articles will be better as soon as i have a little more time.

I will try to put more articles during this weekend.

Ty for your support.